A downloadable game for Windows

Serpent Tennis is a game where you play Snake and Pong at the same time! 

As the Snake you eat apples and avoid hitting anything. As the Pong paddles you hit the ball back and forth. The challenge is keeping track of them both! For further details check "How to play" in the main menu.

Use A and D to turn the Snake left and right. Use W and S to move the Paddles up and down. (Arrow keys are also supported.)

To help out you have 4 different powerups. When they spawn in simply eat one with the Snake to activate it.

Serpent Tennis allows you to add in your own background music! Click "Custom Music" on the main menu for instructions and the file-browser.

Install instructions

Unpack the .zip file into the folder of your choice and run SerpentTennis.exe.


SerpentTennisV1.13.zip 58 MB

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